
MORE THAN 100 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS in Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan and other countries

...We use the WiseRep partner mobile app and have never regretted it...:

1. This is a MEGA database that can be "metricated" and used in the company's efficiency - i.e. be a profitable company.

2. Simplicity in solving operational problems. A correctly set task is 80% of the solution to the problem (in our case). The ease of using WiseRep for setting tasks from the Client pleases!

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Private enterprise "Spetsservice Merchandising" Specservice,

We have been using the Pro WiseRep application for more than six months to work with sales representatives (center order, work control). Considering that this was not our first attempt to implement a similar program, we are very pleased with both the work of the program itself and the speed of implementation and technical support.

Thank you to the employees of Wise Technologies LLC for cooperation! We highly recommend their products and services!

LLC «Energy Group»,
Head of Procurement Department

Thanks to the WiseRep control system the working day of field employees has become transparent for us and provided a full layout of what each working time is spent on, as well as reports for planned and completed visits by day, week, month.

The collection of data from fields, such as inventory balances, facing, marketing of competitors, etc. is also systematized.

RTK «Cheese House»,
Anton Glebov. Regional Head - Voronezh, Voronezh Region, Russia