The Principle of Product Adjacency in Merchandising

The principle of product adjacency is a merchandising strategy that involves thoughtfully placing products in the sales area to stimulate sales and improve the shopping experience. This principle is based on consumer psychology and the interaction of different product categories.

Basics of Product Adjacency
Product adjacency considers the following aspects:

- Product Compatibility: Placing products with similar storage requirements and sorption properties together.
- Complementarity: Locating complementary products next to each other, such as chips near drinks.
- Cross-Merchandising: Combining products from different categories that can be used together, such as sports nutrition next to fitness accessories.

Advantages of Applying the Principle
Applying product adjacency offers the following benefits:

- Increasing Average Ticket Size: Shoppers are likely to purchase additional products that logically complement their initial choice.
- Improving Shopping Experience: The ease of finding related products increases customer satisfaction.
- Effective Use of Retail Space: Optimizing product placement contributes to a better perception of the assortment.

Implementation in Practice
To successfully apply product adjacency, it is necessary to:

1. Study Consumer Behavior: Understand the needs and preferences of the target audience.
2. Analyze Sales Data: Identify the most frequently bought together products.
3. Test Various Combinations: Experiment with product placements to find optimal solutions.

The Principle of Product Adjacency in Merchandising